Feedback page Opening Keynote by Jurgen APPELO Jurgen APPELO Scan to access the feedback form for the Opening Keynote by Jurgen APPELO. Why Psychological Safety is Key for Innovation by Sander DUR Sander DUR Scan to access the feedback form for the session by Sander DUR. Potemkine Leadership: les meilleurs leaders sont-ils les pires ennemis de leur entreprise? by Gaël REBMANN Gaël REBMANN Scan to access the feedback form for the session by Gaël REBMANN. 3 Agile "Meta-Principles" to Save the World (and Your Business) by Sylvain CHERY Sylvain CHERY Scan to access the feedback form for the session by Sylvain CHERY. Agile Powerful Metrics by Carlo LAGORIO Carlo LAGORIO Scan to access the feedback form for the session by Carlo LAGORIO. An Exploration of Clean Language by Charles-Louis DE MAERE Charles-Louis DE MAERE Scan to access the feedback form for the session by Charles-Louis DE MAERE. Scrum masters, élevez vote leadership pour mieux accompagner vote organisation by Nadjat ATTOUMANE Nadjat ATTOUMANE Scan to access the feedback form for the session by Nadjat ATTOUMANE. Houston, we have a problem - An introduction to group decision making by Olivier BREDA Olivier BREDA Scan to access the feedback form for the session by Olivier BREDA. Agile Pitfalls: Navigating the Risks When Clients Aren't Ready for Agile Project Management by Svenja SASS Svenja SASS Scan to access the feedback form for the session by Svenja SASS. Graphic Bootcamp by Viviane MORELLE Viviane MORELLE Scan to access the feedback form for the session by Viviane MORELLE. Sustainable development needs inner development - agile steps towards a life-affirming future by Hedi BUCHNER Hedi BUCHNER Scan to access the feedback form for the session by Hedi BUCHNER. Navigating Team Transformation with Agile Integration - Insights and Best Practices by Cindy TEREBA Cindy TEREBA Scan to access the feedback form for the session by Cindy TEREBA. Agility? Why do I need Agility? Lessons learned from the field by Pierre LEBLANC Pierre LEBLANC Scan to access the feedback form for the session by Pierre LEBLANC. Les Secrets du Kanban by Pierre LEBLANC Pierre LEBLANC Scan to access the feedback form for the session by Pierre LEBLANC. Speech by Axel ANGELI Axel ANGELI Scan to access the feedback form for the session by Axel ANGELI. Final Keynote by Sophia KARLSSON Sophia KARLSSON Scan to access the feedback form for the session by Sophia KARLSSON.